Bartosz Beda

Abstracted Portrait Paintings in Oil on Canvas

I am excited to share with you my latest artistic endeavor - my abstracted portrait paintings in oil on canvas! These paintings were exhibited at Brownsville Museum of Fine Art in 2019.

It was an incredible experience to showcase my work in such a prestigious venue, and I am grateful to have had the opportunity to share my art with the world.

Art Book "Hear My Voice"

If you are a fan of art, you won't want to miss these stunning pieces. Each painting is a unique representation of the beauty and complexity of the human form, rendered with bold brushstrokes and vivid colors.

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Through my work, I strive to capture the essence of each individual subject, while simultaneously exploring the interplay between abstraction and realism.

Whether you are an art enthusiast or simply appreciate beautiful aesthetics, I invite you to check out my abstracted portrait paintings. They are truly a labor of love, and I hope that they bring you as much joy and inspiration as they have brought me.