Bartosz Beda

Anastasia 03: Exploring the legend through Sumi ink and intricate details

Painting "Anastasia" is part of a new series called Anastasia, inspired by the captivating legend of Russia's Grand Duchess Anastasia Nikolaevna.

Drawing inspiration from the award-winning playwright Terrence McNally's musical, I sought to capture the essence of Anastasia's miraculous escape from political execution.

Art Book "Hear My Voice"

I used Sumi ink to create a sense of fluidity and movement in the painting as if Anastasia is escaping into the unknown.

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The contrast between the bold black ink and the white space around it creates a striking visual effect, drawing the viewer's eye to the intricate details of Anastasia's face and the expression on her face.

This painting is not only a tribute to the legend of Anastasia but also a celebration of the power of storytelling.