Bartosz Beda

“Four Seasons” Art 

Four Seasons art is a commentary on the immigrant experience in America. His paintings explore themes related to the immigrant experience and adaptation.

You may ask, "why four seasons?" and "why do the Latino figures in the painting look like figures in a painting?" What they represent and why they're in a theme of four seasons.

When I first started with these paintings, I didn't know that they would end up representing Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter.

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I started with the painting of Winter, but at that time, I didn't know it would be called Winter and become a part of the Four Seasons. After reading the article about life for kids after separation from parents on the border, I came across the image source.

I am an immigrant, but for different reasons than those from Latin American countries. However, I felt something in common, even if I'm Polish and not Latino. This led me to explore the subject in large-scale paintings.

Art Book "Hear My Voice"