Bartosz Beda

Mark Making in Painting

Exploring the art of mark making in painting 🎨✍️ is a journey into the heart of creativity. Each stroke, dot, and line on the canvas 🖼️ is a direct expression of the artist’s soul, offering a glimpse into their unique artistic language. From the bold sweeps of a brush to the subtle texture created by a palette knife, every mark tells a story. 📖💫

Whispers, oil on canvas, (96x120 inches) 244x304 cm, 2023

Four Seasons, Fall, oil on canvas, 96x108 in (244x274 cm), 2022-23

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Four Seasons, Spring, oil on canvas, 96x72 in (244x182 cm), 2022-23

Four Seasons, Spring, oil on canvas, 96x108 in (244x274 cm), 2022-23

Experimenting with different tools 🖌️🔪 and techniques opens up a world of possibilities, allowing me to convey emotions, movement, and depth in ways words cannot capture. It’s here, in the diversity of marks, that my personal style and voice emerge, transforming the canvas into a mirror of my inner world. 🌈🌌

Art Book "Hear My Voice"

Four Seasons, Winter, oil on canvas, 96x72 in (244x182 cm), 2022-23