Goggle Woman – Paintings of Woman
Paintings of Woman
These paintings were produced during my artist-in-residence at GoggleWorks Center for the Arts. The ad poster for GoggleWorks factory-inspired these three paintings. The sign itself was made in the early ’80s and was advertising use of goggles. The most appealing part of this photograph was a woman putting on the glasses and holding them near her face. That was for an interesting element that I decided to use in the painting.
Abstracted Paintings of Woman
Paintings became a combination of abstract and figurative elements that created a unique interpretation of the poster.
Original or Print
Goggle Woman, oil on canvas, 40×30 inched, 2018
These paintings painted in 2018 are part of an exciting transition between my move from Moscow, ID to Dallas, TX. In between, I was on my artist-in-residence at GoggleWorks, Center for the Arts.