Alumni Stories

Alumni Stories

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  • Post last modified:May 26, 2015
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Art by Bartosz Beda, Manchester School of Art

Alumni Stories

About my career

When I was an undergraduate student, I was influenced by my tutors and other artists, but when I was studying for a Master’s degree, I was taught to be creative and independent. I believe that this mix of influence from others and individual independence is a good mix for development as an artist.

After my BA (Hons) in Fine Art, a gallery in London picked me up and since then I was able to meet and connect with collectors. When I graduated from the MA, I was selected for the Saatchi New Sensations 2012 and I was awarded a scholarship to Dresden Academy of Arts. Since then, I have been working as a full-time artist and I exhibit around the globe. I have my studios in both the United States and the United Kingdom.

I consider myself a painter of mostly representational paintings, but I also experiment with other forms of painting. This includes a mix of abstraction, figures, and objects, whether they are found or made from a scratch.

Bartosz Beda, Alumni Stories

I consider myself a painter of mostly representational paintings, but I also experiment with other forms of painting. This includes a mix of abstraction, figures, and objects, whether they are found or made from a scratch. I create different kinds of themes for each solo exhibition and each has different inspirations behind them.

Manchester is a great place for artists. I found that MMU provided me with the same resources that I could find in London; it had everything I needed to become a full-time artist. I believe that I was determined enough to work together with tutors to make sure that I could get the most out of my university experience and succeed after graduating.

My top tip for students is…

Tutors are there for you so listen to them carefully because your success is their success. Use your time properly and think about the study professionally. Your profession starts with the first day of your study.

I’m inspired by…

I found Sharon Hall a big support, who herself is an abstract painter, as well Ian Hartshorne, who was always around and shared his experiences. Both tutors were there for students and they knew exactly what each individual needed. I also can’t forget about Pavel Buchler, who is a great mentor and art supporter.

Why I love MMU

I loved the professionalism of MMU.


Explore Bartosz’s work on his website:


For more information go to: Alumni StoriesGraduate scoops national art prize