Execute Project Solo Exhibition “Colorized Physicality” by Dallas based artist Bartosz Beda

Execute Project Solo Exhibition “Colorized Physicality” by Dallas based artist Bartosz Beda

  • Post category:artist studio
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  • Post last modified:February 19, 2020
  • Reading time:2 mins read
Dallas based artist, Execute Project, Bartosz Beda, solo exhibition 1
Execute Project Solo Exhibition "Colorized Physicality" by Dallas based artist Bartosz Beda 2

“Colorized Physicality” by Dallas Based Artist Bartosz Beda – solo exhibition at Execute Project

Between April and May, Bartosz Beda will have a solo exhibition at the Execute Project space titled “Colorized Physicality.” The show will feature new paintings.

Exhibition Dates:
10th April to 31st May 2020

Opening Reception:
10th April 2020 6-8pm

Execute Project in Mesquite, Texas

The Execute Project was founded in early 2019 with its physical space located near Dallas, Texas. The project has been designed to feature four exhibitions each year, as well as pop-up exhibits at various locations.

Execute Project co-exists with Execute Magazine, and both were established to promote emerging and established artists. The magazine articles and interviews are only by invitation to assure quality over the quantity. Here, we have one family with two different goals but the same intention to promote art.