Fresh Paint Magazine

Fresh Paint Magazine

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Fresh Paint Magazine, Bartosz Beda
Issue 9 October 2015


Fresh Paint Magazine, Bartosz Beda

Fresh Paint Magazine

I am pleased to announce that my work has been selected for October issue of International Fresh Paint Magazine, which will be available also during the Freeze London.

Click here to see Flat Emotions and Stream Face II.

Fresh Paint Magazine, bartosz beda

www. b a r t o s z b e d a .com

Bartosz Beda received his BA (Fine Arts) in 2011 and his

MA (Fine Art) in 2012 from Manchester Metropolitan

University, UK. He was a recipient of 6 months

Scholarship in Dresden, Germany. Beda was selected for

the Catlin Guide for most promising emerging artist in

UK. He has exhibited in solo exhibitions at Liebre Gallery,

Madrid, Spain; BAC Gallery, Bogota Colombia, The

Studios, Manchester, UK. He has participated in group

exhibitions including New Sensations, Saatchi Gallery,

London, UK and Detail, H Project Space, Bangkok ,


My paintings explore the relation between daily life

and human nature. I perceive humanity as a chocolate

cake, where beneath the ‘iced’ surface lies those more

intriguing and challenging mixtures, with fears and social


Through the application and process of painting,

I cut a piece of that cake to explore the nature of these


Simple yet powerful gestural strokes and mark-making,

search and re-investigate solutions to bring these hidden

depths to the surface.